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Today you are you!
That is truer than true!
There is no one alive…
…who is you-er than you!
Shout loud, “I am lucky 
to be what I am!
Thank goodness I’m not 
just a clam or a ham
Or a dusty old jar of 
sour gooseberry jam!
I am what I am! That’s a 
great thing to be!
If I say so myself, 
–Found by the lovely KTK and written, of course, by Dr. Seuss

Doctor Seuss birthday cake Dr. Seuss cake Topsy Turvey Cake Layers

…but of course one cake is hardly sufficient for such a literary icon. And so I present to you many many more.

Doctor Seuss treats Dr. Seuss cupcakes Seuss Party cupcake toppers

Dr. Seuss cake green eggs and ham cake

Say! I like Green Eggs and Ham! I do!! I like them, Sam-I-Am!

Dr. Seuss cake thing one thing two cake sweets thing 1 thing 2 party birthday Maddie and Jack

Dr. Seuss cake fish fishbowl cake green eggs and ham cake cat in the hat cake

This fish one is specifically for my dad, who dutifully pretended to scream every time we asked for "Hop on Pop"...

Doctor Dr. Seuss Cake Popsicles Cakesickles Thing 1 Thing 2 Frosting Lorax Trees Lollipops Lollypops

At first you're thinking "not bad...nice change of pace I guess." And then you realize the blobby ones...

Dr. Seuss Lorax Trees cake pops Lollipops Lolypops Lollypops Lolipops Lorax popsicles cakesickles


Dr. Seuss Truffula trees Truffala trees Truffela Trees cake pops lollipops candy candies

Dr. Seuss Grinch cake christmas cake whoville cake

Doctor Dr. Seuss Baby Cake Oh The places you'll go cake graduation cake

Perfect cake decorations...

Doctor Dr. Seuss One fish two fish red fish blue fish cake yellow cake book cake

...are perfect

Doctor Dr. Seuss cupcake toppers Horton hears a who cake treats etsy

Doctor Dr. Seuss fox in socks cake

Take it slowly, this cake is DANGEROUS

And we’ll end with a whole party:

Doctor Dr. Seuss Party cake layers topsy turvey themed party Seuss

…complete with Green Eggs and Ham and Carved Roast Beast

Doctor Dr. Seuss party roast beast green eggs and ham savory themed party

…and, perhaps my favorite dish of all:

Doctor Dr. Seuss Party funny humorous a crumb even too small for a mouse

A crumb even too small for a mouse

Thank you, Dr. Seuss, for making my childhood full of poetry and fun. 

